Sunday 3 August 2008

Day 3 Ringorm to Brechin Woke up late an

Day 3 Ringorm to Brechin
Apologies to Ringorm.You're not named after my least favourite parasite after all. Easy to misread things when tired. Today I thought local news said '300 scouts suffer drink related death a week.' It was 'Scots though'. Woke up late and didn't set off until 10am. Felt worryingly rough after 20 miles and the whole day was a bit of a blur. I do remember the hills though. I struggled to keep my front wheel on the ground when the gradient sign warned of 12%. Then it went to14%. Coming down was almost as hard. Bottled it every time I hit 50mph and when the brakes started smoking I had to pour water on then to cool them off. Eventually managed a decent days miles. Steak dinner was a plus. Boggy campsite a minus.
95.5 miles
Av 13.9mph
Was tempted to stop here after 10 miles. Luckily it was closed.

1 comment:

bluesnightorg said...

Pah. Guinea worms is worserer than Ringworms any day of the week innit.