Friday 1 August 2008

Day 2 Lairg to Ringworm Wet. I was woken

Day 2 Lairg to Ringworm
Wet. I was woken by ducks outside my tent and was soaked through by the time I packed up. I didn't think it would ever stop and it made the going hard. Stopped at a church cafe where am old lady gave me a towel down. Probably to stop me dripping everywhere. I resigned myself to completing only 70 miles but then the sun came out and I felt uplifted enough to keep going. I was further cheered up by a shop owner I got chatting to refusing to let me pay. I saved the hills for last arriving at this unfortunately named place to find no done shops for 5 more miles. I settled for the camp shop tin of potatoes and a tin of beans. After todays effort it tasted like 5 star michelin fare.
Miles 107
Time in saddle 7h07m
Av 15mph again
Only 1 pic eve to rain. About to cross the Kessock bridge to Inverness


bluesnightorg said...

This is wicked. Harper is obviously blogging on his phone - hence DONE instead of FOOD and EVE instead of DUE. That means we can say what we like about him while he's out there, and he'll never know! I hope the snails get him.

bluesnightorg said...

By the way, he's lying. It's called Ringorm.